Almost daily, I get messages from people about the radical diet changes I made three and a half years ago.
42 months with no dairy, no gluten, no white sugar, no white flour, no fast food, no soda, no CRAP!
42 months of whole foods, and keeping my sugars below 30 grams/day.
18 months of that, I was full blown Autoimmune Protocol Diet.
I have experienced all the emotions of letting go of foods that I thought I could not live without.
But, my health was more important to me.
My quality of life began to improve immediately.
My joint pain lessened, then disappeared.
My stomach issues resolved.
Thirty pounds of unwanted and unnecessary weight fell off and stayed off.
So, I’m ready to help others find the same healing I have found!
Ladies, you are invited!
Join me at the REBUILD: NUTRITION course!
We will cover these topics:
Intermittent fasting
Label reading
Whole foods recipes for the holidays