Summit Details:
Guest speakers/topics include:
Gretchen Baskerville: Life-Saving Divorce
Cindy Burrell: 10 Things to Know When Addressing Abuse
Rebecca Davis: Untwisting Scripture
Heather Elizabeth: Healing Resources
Joy Forrest: Abuse and Trauma
Clara Hinton: Pastor's Wives & Abuse
Dale and Faith Ingraham: Sexual Abuse in Faith Communities
Sarah McDugal: 13 Patterns/Systems of Abuse
Neil Schori: Safety First
Dear Friends,
We have a problem.
A monumental problem.
Abuse is rampant in faith communities, there are countless women who are suffering every single day while being told that God expects them to do so.
Reportedly, one in three women are victims of physical or sexual violence.
That number does not account for unreported cases.
That number does not account for other forms of abuse: child, cultural, emotional, financial, intellectual, pets and property, psychological, social, spiritual and verbal.
We are here to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
God loves His daughters and He wants us to be safe and well.
During this summit, we will expose the realities of abuse within faith communities, share stories of survivors and offer solutions for how to address abusers in a Biblical manner.
This network of advocates, authors, speakers, and leaders (many are also survivors) is part of an army that is rising up.
Edmund Burke said it so well: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
We invite good men and good women to join us in this fight against evil.
We welcome pastors, spiritual leaders, educators, counselors, life coaches, teachers, medical personnel, first responders, law enforcement, and people helpers.
If you love people and want to know better and do better, this event is for you.
We will share harsh realities with you, but will also offer ways to combat abuse.
This event was recorded so you are able to watch the videos over and over again. Please feel free to share with your spouse, but do not share video access with others. Feel free to share this registration link with anyone who wants to purchase the summit.
Summit Host:
This summit is hosted by Heather Elizabeth. She is a survivor, advocate, coach, podcaster, and the facilitator of Held & Healed: Christian Women Rebuilding After Abuse.

From Heather:
I survived abuse for over 45 years. My home was not safe. My church was not safe. My marriage was not safe. In 2015, I found myself separated and unable to function due to chronic health issues. My body was sick. My mind was sick. My spirit was sick.
In 2016, I began a journey of healing for my body, mind, and spirit. I realized that I had Complex-PTSD from enduring decades of trauma and abuse. I found a trauma-informed, domestic violence-informed counselor. I found a holistic doctor. Healing became my priority.
In March of 2020, I enrolled in Give Her Wings Academy and began to soak up knowledge. I listened to the lessons, then followed links to blogs posts, books and podcasts. I have invested thousands of hours in educating myself about abuse and linking arms with other advocates.
I know many other women who have endured physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and physiological abuse. As I listened to the speakers in the academy, the names and faces of my friends came to mind. "Oh, I should send her this link," or "I need to reach out to her and share this nugget of truth." Week after week, I received truth, validation, education, and resources.
Once the lights turned on for me, I wanted to flip every switch to help others see truth.
My pain is not in vain if it helps others find their healing.
On September 12, 2020, I launched a private Facebook group, Held & Healed: Christian Women Rebuilding After Abuse. That group has grown to 3000+ members and it is a space where I share and organize healing resources. We create community with online and in-person events. Women are seen, head, loved, believed and validated.
We gathered for the first annual Held & Healed Retreat in September of 2021. During our time together, we heard survivor stories, studied the thirteen patterns/systems of abuse, and were given practical tools for engaging in spiritual warfare. We ate together, laughed together, cried together, and practiced self-care.
This summit will allow us to extend our Held & Healed family and invite more survivors and helpers into our community. Welcome, dear ones! We are here to love, learn, and grow together.
Individual license: You may choose to give $50 or $100.
By purchasing this summit, you are helping to support
the ongoing work of Held & Healed:
Christian Women Rebuilding After Abuse.
Your Safer Spaces Summit single license is for personal use only
(married couples may share one account).
For small groups, leadership teams, or other forms of participation,
a rebroadcast license must be purchased.
Inquire for rebroadcast license details: